Butters is proud to announce that Malcolm Butters has accepted the offer to join the University of Miami Real Estate Advisory Board. The Board promotes collaboration between the Real Estate community and the education programs.
The Board consists of Real Estate professionals from public and private organizations including investors, developers, owners and operators.
As part of the Board, Malcolm will support programs to ensure curriculum is relevant and current, help provide real-world experiences to students, assist with the development of the School of Business events and programs, attend Advisory Board meetings and much more.
The University of Miami hosts the Annual Real Estate Impact Conference where national and international industry experts come together. The 2017 Real Estate Impact Conference focused on how millennials are driving the transformation of real estate investment, smart cities, and the retail market, along with the evolution of the retail industry from bricks to clicks and from Wall Street to Main Street.
Coming February 9, 2018 (Details TBD) the conference will feature Keynote speaker Arne Sorenson, the president and CEO of Marriott International.
Butters looks forward to being involved in the University of Miami Real Estate program and all its efforts to bridge current professionals in the industry to those who who will lead the future of Real Estate.
For more information visit the website here